Masteroppgave: Heat Resilient Design – The Mapping and Management of Urban Green Roofs for Cooler Cities

Masteroppgave: Heat Resilient Design – The Mapping and Management of Urban Green Roofs for Cooler Cities

I uke 25 forsvarte 3 studenter på OsloMet sine masteroppgaver knyttet til grønn infrastruktur.

Oppgaven levert av Albert Likang-Hu handlet om bruk av GIS analyse for å identifisere bygg hvor grønne tak til demping av urban heat island effect kan være aktuell i Oslo.

Fra Alberts poster om oppgaven:

The integration of green roofs into Oslo’s urban planning offers a promising solution to enhance urban sustainability and resilience. Green roofs can effectively mitigate the UHI, improve air quality, manage stormwater, and support urban biodiversity. This study identified 104 roofs as highly suitable for green roof implementation and approximately 2044 potential roofs before applying the building age criterion. However, challenges such as structural limitations, high costs, and regulatory hurdles need to be addressed for successful adoption.

The analysis utilized GIS tools to map and identify suitable locations for green roofs in Oslo, applying filters such as roof area (>250 m2), slope, exclusion of cultural heritage buildings, and building age. The GIS analysis identified 104 roofs as highly suitable for green roof installations, with 2044 potential roofs before applying the building age criteria. Essential parameters for determining roof suitability included roof surface area, slope, tree density, and structural integrity.

The study recommends developing comprehensive planning tools and strategies, alongside financial incentives and regulatory support, to maximize the benefits of green roofs. Future research should focus on long-term impact studies and cost-effective strategies for installation and maintenance.

In conclusion, green roofs have significant potential to contribute to cooler, greener, and more resilient cities. By addressing practical challenges and leveraging their benefits, green roofs can play a crucial role in urban sustainability efforts in Oslo.