World Green Infrastructure Award 2024 (deadline extended to July 15th)

World Green Infrastructure Award 2024 (deadline extended to July 15th)

The World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) har åpnet for nominasjoner til The World Green Infrastructure Awards 2024www.wginawards.org. Denne prestisjetunge konkurransen anerkjenner kvalitet og innovasjon innen bygningsintegrert grønn infrastruktur, andre grønne infrastrukturprosjekter, og tilhørende policy, akademisk arbeid og forskning,.

“The World Green Infrastructure Awards provide a global platform to showcase the incredible innovation and impact happening in green infrastructure design, development, and research,” said Professor Manfred Koehler (President, WGIN). 

Nominasjoner kan sendes for 6 kategorier:

Green Roofs: Celebrating exemplary vegetated roof projects.

Green Walls: Honoring outstanding green façades, living walls, and other building-integrated greening solutions.

Green Neighborhood Scale and On-grade Projects: Recognizing urban landscape projects that incorporate multifunctional vegetative planting and design.

Green Infrastructure Policy: Highlighting excellence in public or private sector policies that promote best practices and accelerate the uptake of urban green infrastructure.

Green Infrastructure Research and Academic Work: Acknowledging performance and excellence in green infrastructure-related research and academic projects.

Green Infrastructure Student Posters: Recognizing innovative ideas and projects from students in the green infrastructure field.

Nominasjoner kan sendes frem til 30. juni 2024 via nettsiden til World Green Infrastructure Awards www.wginawards.org. Vinnerne blir valgt av en internasjonal jury av eksperter, og kunngjort ved prisutdelingen som finner sted under World Green Infrastructure Congress 3.-5. september 2024, i Auckland, New Zealand (https://www.wgic2024.org/).

For mer informasjon om World Green Infrastructure Awards 2024, og ved evt. behov for bistand med å sende inn en nominasjon, vennligst sende en e-post til post@nfgi.no.